Get access to the TRUEKRAV master file for instructors with the FULL-SPECTRUM course.
This course gives you instant access to the Master-File that all Truekrav Classes are planned from. This course covers the Full-Spectrum of self-defence and gives you the exact same theory and techniques that all Truekrav Instructors get. Please Note that this course is only sold upon successful application.

True Solutions for Instructors
We give solutions for the full spectrum of self-defence. This will greatly enhance the capabilities of instructors who teach self-defence to others.

True and Tested Guidance
Learn review and tested self-defence. And be guided in a straight-forward way. Teaching you to understand self-defence and not just blindly follow.
True Relevance
This course will be continuously evolve, expand and update over the Full-Spectrum of self-defence. Ensuring that this course stays relevant.
So many self-defence instructors across the world are teaching outdated and untested curriculums. This does not make them bad instructors. They are often brilliant instructors who want to give the best to their students, but they do not have the means to get the knowledge to take them to the next level.
Another problem is that a lot of self-defence instructors are not exposed to violent crime on a regular basis, and then inevitably teach their solutions to scenarios which they think are relevant. When reality can be completely different to what they can envision.
This Full-Spectrum course will expose instructors to new scenarios, new solutions and will expand their envelope of possibilities.
When you are a self-defence instructor, then keep in mind that you are essentially preparing your students/members for a fight that they can't afford to lose. Everything matters when preparing for such a fight, and you must combine correct knowledge as well as correct skills. The Truekrav Full-Spectrum course provides just that.
Please note that this course is only for sale upon successful application, details in FAQ
But also made for everyone else.
This course is perfect for any other self-motivated individuals, who want access to a tried and tested full-spectrum self defence curriculum. But don't have access to a good school.
These individuals typically are :
- Private Aviation and Yachting crew.
- Farmers living in isolated areas.
- Medical staff in rural areas.
- Workers on oil rigs.
- Military personnel on deployment.
- Neighbourhood watches who train together.
*more details in FAQ
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